ProHosting Virtual Web Hosting


Domain Registration Renewal Form

This form is used only for securely transmitting credit card information to ProHosting's Billing Department for renewal of domain registrations. Please note: Use of this form does not automatically charge your credit card, nor does it automatically renew your domain registration. All submissions are reviewed and processed within 24 hours after submission.

Domain Information

Domain name:

Please include your email address and phone number where we can contact you in case of any problems with your domain renewal.

Email address:

Phone #:

Card Holder Information

Please check this box if you currently have an active hosting account with ProHosting and wish to use the credit card we have on file for your domain renewal. For verification, please enter the last 4 digits of the card on file:

If you do not currently have an active hosting account with ProHosting or you wish to use a different card than the one we have on file, please enter your credit card info below.

visa.gif (555 bytes)     mc.gif (1919 bytes)     amex.gif (2283 bytes)
Card Number:  
Exp. Date(MM/YY):   /
Name on Card:
Security Code (3 or 4 digits):

Please enter the billing address and zip code found on your credit card statement.

 Address Line 1: 
Address Line 2: 
Zip Code: 

Renewal Pricing

Please select the number of years you wish to renew your domain name:

1 year renewal $25.00 USD
1 year renewal with WHOIS privacy $30.00 USD

2 year renewal $50.00 USD
2 year renewal with WHOIS privacy $60.00 USD

3 year renewal $72.00 USD  **4% savings**
3 year renewal with WHOIS privacy $87.00 USD

5 year renewal $110.00 USD  **14% savings**
5 year renewal with WHOIS privacy $135.00 USD

9 year renewal $180.00 USD  **25% savings**
9 year renewal with WHOIS privacy $225.00 USD

** New pricing effective as of August 1, 2024 **

The WHOIS privacy service can be added to your domain renewal for an additional $5 USD per year. The WHOIS privacy service can be cancelled at any time, but there are no refunds for any unused portion of this service. If you currently have WHOIS privacy enabled, but do not select it when renewing, this service will be removed from your domain registration when the renewal is processed.

Special Instructions

Please input instructions and any additional information you would like us to know when processing this card.

If you wish to receive an email confirmation that your information has been received by our Billing Department, please indicate that here as well.

Expired Domain Fees: There are no additional fees, if you are renewing a domain that expired less than 35 days ago. If the domain expired 35 or more days ago, you may be subject to an additional redemption fee not to exceed $100 USD.

By checking this box you verify that you have read and agree to the OpenSRS/Tucows Registration Policy and ICANN Rights and Responsibilities.