Add an image to your Roundcube signature
First, you need to follow the instructions for creating a signature in Roundcube by going
Under step 4 where it mentions placing a check mark on the
HTML Signature option, you'd want to do that and then follow these steps.
- Click on the HTML icon which is for editing HTML source code.
- In the pop-up HTML Source Editor window, enter in the following code replacing this image path with your own:
<img src="">
(This should reference an image file (jpg, gif, png) that has already been uploaded to your website.)
- Click on Update to be dropped back to the signature editing page.
- Then click on Save to save the signature.
- Now once this has been done you'll want to click on Settings up at the top-right.
- From the left-hand menu click on Composing Messages.
- Then on the Compose HTML messages drop-down menu, select Always, and then click on Save.
Now when you go to compose a new e-mail, you should see your image automatically appended to your signature at the bottom.